Thursday, September 23, 2010


At the beginning of this week, I was sick...which obviously wasn't too fun. My symptoms showed up in the middle of last week, but I didn't think much of it...I just had some coughs and headaches. On Wednesday, I woke up incredibly dizzy. I could hardly walk the entire day and had to move very slowly. According to my friend Cassie, it seemed like I was on vicodin. I decided to go into the health center and get myself checked out. I was so worried that I had pneumonia, mono, bronchitis, or something serious like that. I could feel my heart clobbering my rib cage and surrounding organs and what not...seriously, it was beating that hard. After the nurse wrote down all of my symptoms and took my temperature, the doctor came in. Do you know what she diagnosed me with? Q-tipaholicism...well, that's my word, but that's what I have. She asked me if I was a q-tipaholic, and I answered, "yes." Apparently ears are very important...not just with hearing. As many know, they help with balance. Using so many q-tips impacted my earwax or something, and then my equilibrium was thrown off. It also explains the drippings down the back of my throat, the headaches, and the violent coughs. So with my diagnosis, I left the building with the script in my hand (I realized that I left my money in my room, so I had no way to pay for the meds and what not), and it started raining. So now I probably will get sick. I can only wait until then.

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